Entries by Financial Tech Tools

The Six Steps to Financial Planning

A certified financial planner is trained to focus on all aspects of your finances – everything from your taxes to retirement savings.

The six steps to financial planning are:
• Meeting your financial planner
• Determining your goals and expectation
• Reviewing your current financial state
• Developing a financial plan
• Implementing a financial plan
• Monitoring the plan

A certified financial planner will develop a plan that works for you both today and in the future.

2022 Federal Budget Highlights

On April 7, 2022, the Federal Government released their 2022 budget. Our article contains highlights of the various financial measures in this budget, divided into these sections:
• Housing
• Alternative minimum tax
• Dental care
• Small businesses
• Tradespeople
• Canada Growth Fund
• Climate
• Bank and insurer taxes

2021 Income Tax Year Tips

It’ll be time to file your 2021 taxes soon, and you must take advantage of every tax credit and deduction that you can. Our article includes information on a variety of subjects you need to know about, including what to do if you’ve had to repay COVID-19 benefits, how to plan ahead if you’re self-employed or retiring soon, and what you need to know if you have a home office or employer-provided benefits.

Saskatchewan 2022 Budget Highlights

On March 23, 2022, the Saskatchewan Minister of Finance announced Saskatchewan’s 2022 budget. We have highlighted the most important financial measures you need to know, with an emphasis on:
• An increased Saskatchewan Value-added Agriculture Incentive.
• An increased Saskatchewan Technology Start-up Incentive tax credit.
• Changes in Education property taxes and what the PST is charged on.
• Financial commitments to healthcare and child care.
Budget 2022 includes no changes to personal or corporate tax rates.

Permanent versus Term Life Insurance – What are the Differences?

You know you need life insurance – but you’re not sure which kind is best for you. There are two main kinds of life insurance:
• Permanent, which lasts for your entire life. Premiums can be more expensive, but you can also use the policy to build up cash value.
• Term, which is only good for a set amount of time. Premiums are less expensive, and you cannot build up cash value – but coverage is easy to get and understand.
We can help you determine which type of insurance is best for you and how much it will cost you.

2022 Financial Calendar

Looking for an “at a glance” document covering all the important dates you need to know to stay on track with your financial planning in 2022?

Our 2022 financial calendar (which you can easily bookmark or print out) makes sure you’re always in the loop! It lists important dates, including:

• Payments dates for the Canada Child Benefit, CPP, OAS, and the GST/HST credit.
• When TFSA contribution room starts again.
• Tax filing deadlines.
• Charitable contribution deadlines and the last day to contribute to registered investment accounts.
• When the Bank of Canada interest rate announcements are.

2021 Personal Year-End Tax Tips

The end of 2021 is quickly approaching – which means it’s time to get everything in order, so you’re ready when it comes time to file your taxes.

We’ve broken this article into the following sections to make it easy to find the tax tips you’re looking for:

• Individuals, including details on COVID-19 benefits and important tax credits.
• Investment considerations, including how to best contribute to TFSAs, RRSPs, and RDSPs.
• Families, including how to claim childcare expenses and make the most of RESPs.
• Retirees, including essential details about applying for CPP and OAS.